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What is autoreturn?

Autoreturn is a sim's way of trying to return an object to you which was unable to be rezzed

An autoreturned object will be sent to the Lost And Found folder in your inventory

Why would a horse or horse box get autoreturned by the sim?

You tried to rez it somewhere you don't have rez rights

You rezzed on another object or mesh (on grass, in a tree, on a mesh floor or road)

Your wandering horse tried to wander off the edge of the sim

Your wandering horse tried to wander into another parcel where it's not allowed to enter

How do you recover a no copy horse that was autoreturned by the sim?

Objects with copyable permissions will appear right away in your Lost And Found folder when returned, but no copy objects do not

To retrieve your no copy horse, log out of second life, log back in, and you should see it at the top of your Lost And Found folder

If you're not able to log out right away, your horse will appear whenever you log into second life next



You can find horses that have been lost or ridden away, but are still in world, using your Pet Management Page

Wear the Pet Management HUD in your horse's folder and click the Redeliver button or the Update button (both will work)

Open your Nearby Chat window and click the link chatted by your HUD

This link will take you to your personal Pet Management Page

These links time out every 5 minutes. If you get a 404 error instead of a webpage, try requesting a new link from your HUD and clicking right away.

From your Pet Management Page, you will see a list of all pets you currently own

Lost pets may be located and retrieved by clicking the SLURL for that pet's Last Seen Location. Pet locations are updated once hourly

From teleport to the SLURL given, type into local chat: "/shout /483 come" (without quotation marks) to ask your horse to come to you. If it's nearby, it will run to you!

If you don't find your horse at the given location but are sure it's in world, wait an hour and see if the Last Seen Location updates

If you're still unable to find your horse after an hour, try:

Relogging and checking your Lost And Found folder

Redelivering your horse

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If your pet becomes permanently lost, is accidentally deleted, or broken, don't worry: it can be replaced!

Wear the Pet Management HUD included in your horse's folder

Click the Redelivery button on your HUD

Open your Nearby Chat window and click the link chatted by your HUD.

This link will take you to your personal Pet Management Page

These links time out every 5 minutes. If you get a 404 error instead of a webpage, try requesting a new link from your HUD and clicking right away.

On your Pet Management Page, you will see a list of all pets you currently own

To fully replace a pet, click the Redeliver link beside that pet's name

If a no-copy pet is still somewhere in world when you request a redelivery, the older lost or broken pet will be deleted automatically



As new versions of the horses are released, you can update your existing horses

There are two ways to update your horse: via Redelivery, or via Updater cube

All redelivered horses will already be updated to the latest version upon redelivery. However, you will need to re-customize your horse with any custom skins, accessories, or animations you  have given it

By using the update cube, your horse will remain customized but will update to the most recent version

Limitations of Updater:

Only horses that are already version 1.0+ can use the updater. Version 1.0 was released November 24th, 2019

Pets who have not been redelivered or updated since November 24th, 2019 must redeliver at least once to update

How to get the updater:

Wear the Pet Management HUD included in your horse's folder

Click the Redelivery button on your HUD

Open your Nearby Chat window and click the link chatted by your HUD.

This link will take you to your personal Pet Management Page

These links time out every 5 minutes. If you get a 404 error instead of a webpage, try requesting a new link from your HUD and clicking right away.

On your Pet Management Page, you will see a list of all pets you currently own

Beside each pet's name are links for Update or Redeliver. Click the Update link for the horse you want to update

How to update your horse:

Rez the updater near your horses and left click on it

The pop-up menu will show you the number of teeglepet horses on sim, and the number of horses that need updating

The pop-up menu will ask if you want to Update All, Reinstall All, or Reinstall One

Update All: If the number of horses that need updating is more than 0, all out of date horses will be updated

Reinstall All: All horses on the sim owned by you will have their contents reinstalled

Reinstall One: Horses will light up; left click the single horse that you would like to reinstall contents for

What is Reinstallation? Reinstall will remove all contents in your horse and replace them with new contents. Reinstallation is useful if your horse's scripts break or if the horse stops working correctly

When your horse is finished installing, it will tell you SUCCESS or FAILED. If your horse says FAILED, try requesting a new update cube from your Pet Management Page and trying again. Trying again at a new sim can sometimes help as well!

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