• /483 home Set the home position to the location where your avatar is standing (not where the horse is standing)
• /483 home here Sets the home to where chatter is standing, same as /483 home
• /483 home there Sets the home to where horse is standing
• /483 homeradius # Set the wander radius to # meters away from the home position (e.g. /483 homeradius 5 for a 5 meter radius)
• /483 go home Send horse to its home location
• /483 home leave Horse will leave its wander radius when ridden and when wandering
• /483 home leave riding Horse will leave its wander radius when ridden but not when wandering (default behavior)
• /483 home stay Horse will never leave its wander radius, even when ridden
• /483 parcel leave Horse can cross over parcel line when ridden and when wandering
• /483 parcel leave riding Horse can cross over parcel line when ridden but not when wandering (default behavior)
• /483 parcel stay Horse will stay on the current parcel, even when ridden
• /483 ai idle Your dog will play random idle animations while you and your dog stand still
• /483 ai wander Set your pet to wander mode
• /483 ai off Stop AI animations on your pet. It will only stand and walk with you
• /483 follow Follow you
• /483 follow (name) Follow the avatar specified (e.g. /483 follow Teager)
• /483 follow <UUID> Add the UUID of another horse to have nearby horses follow it (no brackets)
• /483 follow off Stop following
• /483 come Call your horse(s) to you
• /483 texture lock Stops the texture slave script, locking the current skin
• /483 texture unlock Starts the texture slave script, unlocking the current skin
• /483 texture Toggles texture lock on or off
• /483 fly off Disable flying
• /483 fly on Enable flying (double jump to begin flying)
• /483 fly advanced Enable advanced flying (double jump to begin flying)
• /483 access (0-2) Sets all nearby horses to group (2), public (1), or private (0) ride perms (e.g. /483 access 0)
• /483 hovertext (0-8) Sets all nearby horses' hovertext at once (e.g. /483 hovertext 0)
• /483 motion 0 Sets horse to Physical Motion
• /483 motion 1 Sets horse to Phantom Motion
• /483 maxgear # Set the max speed/gait of your horse when wandering or following to 0 (walk), 1 (trot), 2 (canter), or 3 (gallop)
• /483 kspeed help Turn keyboard control of gaits on or off
• /483 kspeed help Enable/disable horse switching to walk speed after backing up
• /483 avspeed on Horse moves at avatar (human) speed
• /483 avspeed off Horse moves at horse speed
• /483 avspeed horse Horse moves at horse speed
• /483 avspeed human Horse moves at avatar (human) speed
• /483 avspeed Toggles horse or human speed
• /483 resetallscripts Safely reset scripts of nearby horses without the horse getting deleted
• /483 stopallanims Stop all animesh animations
• /483 nc <type><name> Activates a notecard with the given name. Set name to "off" to turn it off. Examples below:
/483 nc base lay
/483 nc base off
/483 nc ation rear
/483 nc stand graze
• /99 heartbeat off Turns skeleton heartbeat off (skeleton horse only)
• /99 heartbeat on Turns skeleton heartbeat on (skeleton horse only)
• /99 mechsound on Turns on mechanical background noise (mech horse only)
• /99 mechsound off Turns off mechanical background noise (mech horse only)