New avatars include:
• Mesh avatar with bento rigged face and tail
• Full gesture HUD with sits, lays, and action animations you can play any time
• 6 adorable facial animations to express your silly side!
• Independent control of head, neck, ear, eyelid, jaw, and tail poses!
• Tattoo layers mean you can wear tattoo appliers made for Teegle Horse Avatar!
• Riding system to carry up to 3 riders anywhere you can rez
• AO with customizable speed boost settings! Always start from a walk, maintain your speed, or walk human speed!
• You can now wander as a horse avatar! Just sit on your riding system and set to wander!
• Follow another avatar behind, or to their left or right side! Walk together with your friends without touching your keyboard!
• Follow options built into both riding system AND AO! No need to rez; follow someone anywhere!
• Pair animations with your rider using your riding system! Rears, bucks, spooks, lays, and more!
• Wear all rigged mesh accessories made for the animesh teeglepets of the same breed!
• Wear UNRIGGED accessories too, for a whole new world of possible attachments!
• Fully compatible with ALL animations made for animesh teeglepets!
• (Animation appliers may not yet be available from creators but can still be manually added if you have modding skills)
• Riding system comes with all camera controls in the animesh teeglepets, for an awesome cinematic experience!
• Automate your sim with the Teegle experience to automatically attach your riding hud every time you sit on riding system!
Available inworld at The Horse Show from September 16 to October 2nd, 2022.